Chariots of fire

The Scottish Justice has just released the Pan Am convict on the ground of compassion and mercy (pronounced “merci” like Thanks but no thanks, in French). California, on the other hand, bunched up Chino detainees on the ground of budget cut. It would have made more sense had it been the other way around.

They said people who have been detained have high propensity to commit a crime again (subliminally

desire the familiar over the unknown). Libyans now got a repatriated “consultant” who has been there, done that, has even been “inside”. And impressionable youngsters in that region will want to grow up and be like their heroes.

Bad repercussion! I feel the outrage and empathize deeply with the victim’s families and their concerns.

If there were a sixth stage of grief, this is it!

Pain, healing, and now recurring  pain in a never ending Buddhistic vicious circle.

Here the news is not well received, perhaps because the US is found on a cowboy culture i.e. more leaning toward justice than mercy on the justice vs mercy continuum (

here, people do wear guns outside of Obama’s town hall meetings)

And to see an early release of the Pan Am terrorist must have set a lot of people off.

What flag should we burn today?

Where are our youth, and why aren’t they cutting classes to demonstrate? They were already there in Berkeley for an opposite demonstration (against a tenure prof’s position paper on torture).

While at it, all they need is to hold up another poster to add to the mix.

As parent, the only early release I am worried about these days is bus drop’s schedule .

Maybe the Libyan agent was released wearing a “lo jack” so he can lead the authorities to more captures.

Maybe it’s an oil deal in the making.

Whatever or if there were any string attached besides pure Scottish theo/philosophy of government, let’s not forget how eager the same

Scotland Yard P.R.’ s were when they first made the arrest announcement some years back. It must have been a different guy in the same uniform then. Sorry for my fuzzy memory. I know one should not be dwelling on a faded emotion.

But the Scotch shouldn’t under-estimate public outcry. Even when it’s well intentioned,

the jury is still out on this. ( And when itwas positively resonated as in Chariots of Fire, we voted for the “flying Scotch man” with an Oscar for best picture).

I understand “showing mercy for mercy will be shown to you”. But remember also, Pride (my principles are always right) comes before the fall. Merci for nothing, say the 270 families, among whom 189 US’s,  who will sure be spending this weekend grieving their loved ones. Denial again, then Anger again. Oh, mercy!

Fade out

with music from the Chariots of Fire.

Published by

Thang Nguyen 555

Decades-long Excellence in Marketing, International Relations, Operations Management and Team Leadership at Pac Tel, MCI, ATT, Teleglobe, Power Net Global besides Relief- Work in Asia/ Africa. Thang earned a B.A. at Pennsylvania State University, M.A. in Communication at Wheaton Graduate School, Wheaton, IL and M.A. in Cross-Cultural Communication at Gordon-Conwell Seminary, North of Boston. He is further accredited with a Cambridge English Language Teaching Award (CELTA). Leveraging an in-depth cultures and communication experience, he writes his own blog since 2009.

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