A study in S & M

This is a report on Teenage students as seen on BBC News:
Worst drunkenness: UK
Highest rate of bullying: Turkey
Most affluent: Norway
Best education: Finland
Best local environment: Australia
Least exercise: Switzerland
Best housing: Norway
Least risk: Sweden
Highest suicide rate: New Zealand
Enjoy school most: Turkey
Enjoy school least: Czech Republic
Turkey held both “most bullying” and “enjoy school the most” categories, both “S” and “M”.
Either teenagers there are survivalist (in spite all the bullying) or that they themselves bully others thus
“enjoy school i.e. boxing ring, the most”.
Bullies act out what they learned at home.
I still remember the guy who bullied me when I was growing up.
His father was a high ranking in the Army i.e. the Jeep, the Colt and the big house.
My bully got the woman and the wheels. And he wanted me down. .. to his frustration.
Bullies need to be confronted, not with bigger Bullies, but with his own demons.
Or, preferably, we should stay back and let his own drama play out.
Years later, I came back and asked about him.  I heard that he was already dead from a drug overdose.
If surveyed, I would say about the neighborhood I grew up in as:
“most bullying”
“enjoy living the most” (despite not being the most tranquil or upscale).
You see, those early imprints stay with you: the acquired taste, touch, sight, smell and sound.
For instance, we are so conditioned to self-project, to dress almost like who we watch every day on the tube.
Even newscasters themselves subliminally step into their predecessor’s role and image (I don’t see much varieties
of talking heads since the day of B/W TV despite the proliferation of
cable news e.g.HLN, Fox, Talk Shows etc..)
We are proud of Betty Nguyen from CNN.
At least in her, we found one we can identify with (self projection).
When I graduated from college, there was Max Robinson, one of the ABC News Trio. But that’s as far as the Networks were willing to “reflect” America.
Again, to wrestle with one’s self-image is a life long battle.
Perhaps we were told we couldn’t do it, or that it was dangerous, too risky. Or that folks like us should stick with technical
jobs (look at the Post Office who is closing down 1000 branches).
Even Netflix, who already in itself, a disruptive force, is trying to reinvent itself  to stay relevant.

Or “continuous improvement” from Toyota, who is likened to be the new GM.

Or Skype, seeking a new owner today after E Bay revenue started to slide.
Again, despite carrying “most bully”ranking, students in Turkish schools still “enjoy school the most”.  Even when they have to cover their heads (women) as in “Snow”, the novel. My early imprint would associate Turkey with Midnight Express,
but I also remember being kissed on both cheeks by a neighbor whom I had never met, and believed to be from Turkey. At least he wasn’t the bully I should be fearful of . Or maybe he was, but had mellowed out with age.  S or M, I hope he enjoy America.

Published by

Thang Nguyen 555

Decades-long Excellence in Marketing, International Relations, Operations Management and Team Leadership at Pac Tel, MCI, ATT, Teleglobe, Power Net Global besides Relief- Work in Asia/ Africa. Thang earned a B.A. at Pennsylvania State University, M.A. in Communication at Wheaton Graduate School, Wheaton, IL and M.A. in Cross-Cultural Communication at Gordon-Conwell Seminary, North of Boston. He is further accredited with a Cambridge English Language Teaching Award (CELTA). Leveraging an in-depth cultures and communication experience, he writes his own blog since 2009.

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