Inverted 80/20

Lemonade for Vampires
Lemonade for Vampires (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We make lemonade when life gives us lemon.

Who wouldn’t want to focus on the top money-making time-saving activities!

But …given the constraints we found ourselves in, we should celebrate not Independence Day, but Survival itself.

First, stay alive. Then, stay free.

I hear fireworks cracking. I hear music playing.

But it’s been a while, my inner stereo got turned off.

Hard to jump up and down.

Being an optimistic, I rely not on externalities. Not on other people or circumstances to cheer me up. Telecom has been down for a while, inverted 80/20..

But in the process (of decline), I learned about myself, about my colleagues and about reinvention.

How people react to hard times by reinventing to survive.

I was forced to listen, to watch and to adjust my style.

In short, I no longer am idealistic. Just optimistic.

I still advocate quick action, follow the money, use all your resources etc….

But at the same time, I know there are flipsides, inverted rules, and unintended consequences.

We cannot rid ourselves of one another. We need to bail one another out, to share the same fate .

Inverted 80/20 or not, we are either on the giving end or receiving end.

Just keep in mind that your failed opponent will someday become your ardent advocate, and best customer….if he/she survives to see the day.

Be generous and ready to entertain the though that someday, you will have to make lemonade when it is your turn.