The guitar master

As I saw him open the door, I said “Guitar Master”.

He after all has played for as long as my memory can serve me: on the roof behind my house, and at various venues in Saigon.

Still with that baritone voice and impeccable sense of humor.

“You might think I am old, but put me out there at the street corner, I will get picked up in five minutes!”.

(I understood the context, so I added the punch line: “right, by xe-om” – scooter-taxi.)

He mixed and matched some oldies with Rock and Roll. Even played Apache by the Shadows for warm up.

At Mimosa Cafe, he played in an enclosed lounge, not outdoors as at Vuong Tron in Go Vap.

We talked about appreciating small things.

He after all had a minor stroke (without the fainting and falling): guitar fell out of his hand, couldn’t make out what the other person was trying to say etc… He wanted to make sure I understood what it takes to move on with help from both Lipitor and tradional acupuncture.

A blend of East and West.

His friend was also my friend (recently died of cancer) since we move in limited circle of musicians and fan.

He could easily finish my sentences, same way I could take his song one octa higher.

Still cool, with pony tail and black T-shirts, the man grows to be a permanent fixture, albeit not boring.

He has learned to deflect uninvited comments and challenges. “Save the energy” seems to be his motto.

After all, he got 8 shows a week year round. He keeps a brief break since it’s a two-hour one-man show.

Master of his old destiny and of his instruments: guitar and vocal.

Unique Selling Proposition.

Can’t be duplicated (unless I moved in his turf, keep dreaming Thang).

I excused myself for not staying till the end .

After all, I had heard what I came for: he dedicated a special number to me: Reflections of My Life.

This was after he had heard my brief story about minor stroke, which we both experienced.

Guitar Master, guitar apprentice.  My guitar gently weeps. What a waste that the Who and Prince, both tossed their valuable piece of instrument after each show.

At MCI, I gave away one electric guitar to promote our brand at a local event.

What do you expect when musician became marketer? You got the spirit of brotherhood (Get Together) and energy.

I know our vein might break someday, but My Guitar still only gently weeps.

You can always play bass after two smallest strings gave. The beauty of the band. The beauty of being human and entertainers.