See me, text me, group me, call me…

When I saw a near accident today (a beat-up car driver, on the cell phone, backing up and brushing my neighbor’s mail box – which pulled my neighbor out of the door, in the middle of a mobile call himself), I realized we were indeed in a different era (from one which people sat on the front porch, chatting face to face).

So ATT needs to go big infrastructure-wise (when bankers get in the mobile banking game, we know we are no longer content with just online banking from home). It essentially undoes the 1984 break-up back in the copper era. The strategy at the time was, whoever owned the “last mile” to the house wins. Mid-80’s happened to see the rise of Motorola brick phones which got more mobility and apps e.g. meet-up and mash-up.

Can you see me? Can you hear me?

If any group that needs to adopt latest tools for business development, it would be the porn and charity groups. The former has always been early adopters of technology (VHS, cable, and now .xxx domain), while the later, relies on donation to survive, hence, relying on the best tools out there.  I still am not getting used to seeing Red Cross signs which say, “Help Japan“. In my mental positioning, Japan was up there with best of the best. No offense, I wouldn’t think twice when the sign flashes “Help Haiti” or the like.

We indeed are ushered into the real 21st century, when our old mental maps don’t jibe with what’s out there (from Big Mac to Big Moon).

To top all this, Victoria Secret came up with a coupon which acts as a lottery.

The tag line stated that “even us, we don’t know what the amount is. It remains a Secret”. Oh well, chances are, it’s $10 coupon, enough to pay for shipping charges.

I am excited about apps like GroupMe etc… because we often are separated from the group, let’s say in Vegas, by chance or by choice.

GroupMe and the likes enhance our field trip experience.

Corporate outings can exploit this app or extended families, like mine, who are scattered across the country and world.

Blogs and posts are too passive. GroupMe satisfies the demand for immediacy and mobility.

Still, I like the Who’s line, when edited in slow motion (despite the constraint of audio connectivity, they did what they could to increase mobility, in this case, vertical jump to defy gravity itself)”..Feel Me, Heal me..through you, I can see the  Billions….” It’s Billions, with a B.

the Who