Have you ever seen the Rain (bow)

Despite a lot of sunshine, in California, when it rains it pours.

Yet, photographer did not fail to snap a picture of a rainbow


Payback for all the dry months, the fire, and the smog.

The State got enough on its plate: budget concern, gay marriage repeal, and now this.

Best of wishes to the newly appointed LA City Business Czar, whose job is to create jobs.

We need common sense, courage and commitment to get ourselves over the hurdles.

Collectively, we have let ourselves go unchecked. Now, it’s payback time before we can see Rainbow.

Some contractors even owed $5 Billion in US  back taxes.

That’s a lot of schooling for little ones.

I stand corrected in earlier blog. Former President Clinton was here (Palm Beach) last night at a fund-raising dinner.

So he wasn’t around this morning to experience first hand the Haiti aftershock. Supplies are now slowly but surely delivered to those who needed them most. Mr Clinton even praised Coca Cola for bringing in water bottles.  Good corporate citizenry. I got a Coke and a sandwich when first landed in Subic Bay.

Last month, Warren Buffett even held up a bottle while sitting next to Bill Gates at Columbia Business School. One needs to believe in one’s product, its usefulness and lasting impact.

Pepsi is not giving up just yet. It wants to develop genuine healthy and nutritious products to beat Coke on this front. Bring it on. After giving NGOs some head start, for-profit companies slowly return to Haiti.

I felt privileged today when shopping for a nail clipper. I was able to get it at a store. Wonder if it’s that easy in Haiti.

But then, Rainbow is free for all, from the Malibu stars to the Santa Monica homeless. All I want to do, is have some fun, until the sun comes up, from Santa Monica boulevard.