The guitarist

A Quoc Tri could be heard at Cafe Vuong Tron, GoVap on Sunday morning and M-evenings.

Other nights, you can catch him at Cafe S, near Du Mien, in Phu Nhua District.

This morning his band mate commented him on letting his hair out, and not pony-tailed.

We even took an I-phone pic of him, with LOVE on black T.

His style diverse, his manner unassuming.

He recycles his musician(s) often, but only on Sundays.

The only constant is that synthesizing box.

“I am a believer”, with harmonica by A Tri.

Then his guest musician went on with Oh Mon Amour by Christophe.

During rescess, he asked the establishment to turn on recorded music.

Except this morning, we already had a funeral band next door to fill in the silence.

I wasn’t in the mood this morning (last night’s storm kind of rubbed off on me).

But I was glad I came.

His guest guitarist told me he played regularly on Bonsai (Japanese tree), a cruise in Khanh Hoi (ticket up to $39 per guest, including buffet and live entertainment, mostly Filippino).

“Not a lot of people still request Reflections of my life“, said he.

Yes. I was freezeframed in that time and that period.

Sort of Kafkaesque. Man’s fate. My fate. The execution order has already been issued. Just waiting.

Meanwhile, one more stanza.

One more Cafe Sua Da (Iced coffee milk).

One more Beautiful Sunday.

Younger crowd tried to engage, looked interested.

They listened and watched at the same time (one long hair guy, the other with John Lennon‘s glass, both w/ guitars and mikes, like Cosby, Still and Nash).

Teach your children well.

Many knew not what had preceded. War and Peace.

But for now, I want to rest. Want to let the singers do the singing, and guitarists do the strumming.

At least people showed up. Morning show. Weekly. Under the gazibo. Under the trees. Under the umbrellas. Please keep in touch. Please keep on playing.

One constant in a world in constant flux. A Quoc Tri, 8 shows a week.