Dance clips

My daughter went pro on YouTube with the Academy of Swag (Don’t Like, or Matrix, or World of Dance – International Hip Hop Competition).

Happy New Year!

She got my dancing genes. But more disciplined and better trained since the age of 6.

With every successive generation, we witness a shift in speed, style and sensation.

Those combination and permutation of the team’s choreography.

I saw a billboard about the three Blue Guys (Las Vegas show) now with Balls.

This year, we got electric vehicles, we got VW transverse platform.

Work smarter and harder.


We are expert users, but clueless at how to make things (even dinners).

Some people go through life never have to handwash their clothes, or ride a bike to work.

The machine has taken over. Dictating how we preserve and share our memories (Twitter 140 characters, and video clip, not too long. By the way, Twitter has just purchased some video company for product extension).

The “disruptive” guru Christensen predicted the coming demise of the likes of Apple and even Harvard.

King of the Hill for 15 minutes.

So my 3-minute of video on Facebook is now “disrupted” by my daughter’s 10-min YouTube clip.

It’s about time. Not to quit. But for both of us to keep on dancing. Until “the sun comes up from Santa Monica Boulevard”.

The resemblance

She offered me water, from her huge one-gallon container. Hip-hop dancer-trainer, you see.

We need water, especially when we dance many sets at a local theme park to entertain and engage visitors.

So, you finished the first of the “girl w/ the dragon tattoo?” … it went. We broke bread and shared snippets of our interrupted lives.

Late Fathers Day installment.

Significant nevertheless.

With A. you don’t need to play “Anka’s Papa” (put those shoes upon my feet).

A earned  her own Sketchers at age of 4, being a child run-way model.

And joined a hip-hop team shortly after that. Now her team won 2nd place in Hip Hop International.

This year’s event will take it to bigger venue in Las Vegas, show of all shows.

I saw the resemblance (hidden, but I know: the ear lopes).

Anyhow, we were together as if never parted.

Can’t rewind or unwind the one-way flow of time.

Can only promise to see more of each other from here on.

She will be majoring in media. I recommended a mix of dancing and directing.

I hope she sees my point. Besides, women are getting behind the cameras to even earn an Oscar at directing (Jodie Foster started the trend).

How to train one’s eyes to see. Tip of the iceberg. I hope she listen. If any resemblance at all, she probably did not, and couldn’t wait to find out on her own. Like mine, my lessons were  hard-earned . I hope for A a life unlike mine i.e. without much interruption and with more people who can help her. She now grows up at the cusp of social media meteoric rise. She pointed to me at Best Buy the differences in latest version of phones.

Good luck A. Let Moore’s Law, Maslow‘s scale and Metcalfe Law work for you. Be in the way of opportunity and forget not to exercise those feet, whose shoes you had earned at an early age.

My girl got no tattoo, no attitude. She could have given the circle she is in.

Proud of A. Appreciative of those vacation dollars spent at the theme park where my daughter works. Every visitor helps. That’s an additional set of eyes watching my daughter’s dance group perform. Want some water?