Pressing on

There are days when nothing seemed to go your way.

Just have to press on.

Then there are days when things converge, in perfect storm with positive results.

Just have to press on.

Things, people and places.

They are what/who they are.

Can’t bend them to our liking, for our preferences.

Just have to learn to work around the inevitable.

Just have to press on.

Some of us grow mature as a result of wrestling with what the prayer of serenity called “that which cannot be changed”.

Just have to press on.

Others among us still want to find new challenges to wrestle with. Good for them.

Just take a look at Sandy. Then learn a thing or two about our environment, how it is to be treated.

With fear and trepidation.

I enjoy jogging in the park. The lush green, the shades just angling right around 5 o’clock.

I am sure the ducks and squirrels do too.

After all, it’s their homes as much as ours.

We all share in the abundance of clean air and fresh water.

Preserve it. Conserve it.

Just have to press on.

A nation is respected when its citizens respect the commons.

Visitors to any country will adopt and adapt to how the locals behave.

NYC after Sandy will need a lot of reparation.

Just have to press on.

Let this year’s count-down, be one of the best.

May the elected President see his best term ever.

Just have to press on. To face whatever is ahead. Opportunity likes to dance with those already on the dance floor (Jackson Brown).

Just have to keep on dancing. Until the music stops. Has it ever?