Brain Fiber

My cholesterol test result was just in. The coast is clear!

Two eggs please.

I have eaten oatmeal for five years.

Fiber here, fiber there. Can’t go near real food, like Soul Food (fried chicken and french fries).

Here at UVT, culinary students serve their practiced meals: ordering, preparing, serving and collecting the cash.

Long way from the days when we were kids, playing “restaurant” using made-in-china toys.

I stumbled upon a kid picture.

And I wonder how many passages it takes to go from boy2man.

Sounds like a rap group.

A boy in a hot seat.

All future, no past.

Now all past, not much future (if I feel pessimistic it was because I have just lost a sample of my blood this morning).

I recall a lonely childhood.

But seeing other students with eagerness to learn and anticipation to study abroad, my heart warms up to them, in full empathy.

Will they be lost in a larger but impersonal society?

Will they be wise enough to sift through options while retaining core values.

Will they keep that sense of humor and optimism ?

Will they come up with and cook Soul Foods?

I have barely tried the lunch here at work twice.

Now that my cholesterol level is in check, I think I might order my 3rd meal here. After all, the Vietnamese has a saying “an cay nao, rao cay nay”.

Charity begins at home.

I might as well play customer to our first-year Culinary students who in their own rights have graduated from Play House and Kitchen games, to be in the pro game. That innocent looking kid in the pic above has been tossed and turned by war, disasters (personal and circumstantial). I wish someone had told me then to take my time.

Two eggs please. While at it, please toss in some Brain Fiber to help me think, breathe and love.