A sliver of hope

I still remember the hype surrounding Google IPO !

Now with Facebook, it’s a deja vu.

Anything to stir up and to enliven.

We need hope when housing is still in the slump!

We can do better!

Simply because are wired with survival instincts. One man’s success will trigger a chain of similar success. Innovation tend to cluster. Ours is one of those times.

Best of times, worst of times.

Let’s measure up.

Draw from that deep corner where inspiration and aspiration are stored.

It’s in us to make it and to make it big.

We are not dead weight.

Each of us can think, feel and love.

The last can move mountains by its sheer motivation.

So love your Dad (Happy late Fathers Day), your boss, your co-workers and most of all, your customers.

Once they know they get the service they deserve, there is no stopping then.

In its darkest that we can see best, whether a tiny of sun ray or a sliver of hope.