Relationship hardship

The more you try, the less likely it works. Paradoxical as it may be, relationships don’t operate like other laws of physics or economics i.e. pour water in, out on the other end you get, if efficiently, the same amount.

Sometimes, your ROI are so low that you wish you had never commited to it.

That’s when we realize there is no perfect world, nor are there perfect people.

People are tired,  unpredictable and subjected to stimuli, sensation and stress.

They are forced to be efficient and productive at work, but in real life, in personal life, they revert back to being themselves i.e. unpredictable.

Compliance at work, self-governing at home.

These two opposites intersect when we visit a co-worker at home.

He/she is viewed in new light, in a different context:  unguarded and out of character.

There is no science to managing a relationship. It’s case-by-case basis. Artful, not scientific.

But there are etiquettes to be observed: reciprocity for instance.

When people go off on a cliff, that’s undesirable but understandable. Or when they try to make us into somebody else, that’s also uncalled for.

We are all unique. That makes this world of nearly 7 Billion people an exciting place to be, to discover and to tread carefully. Don’t assume. And don’t impose.

On top of generational differences, we have cultural differences  and gender differences.

Still, there are hopes. People still get together, talk it out, and resolve their differences. Despite all the power struggles, people seek to compromise, adjust  expectations or part ways.

Somehow, people always find a way. Relationship hardship. Unavoidable blessing and burden.