We can do better!

We all campaign for our own survival and decency.

Our term limits are long, and the road is hard.

It was still dark when I got to the park.

A guy with backpack barely crossed the street. That early!

Then it hit me: the street is his home. He never got out of any house. So being around there early or late, geography is irrelevant.

America, we can do better.

Let’s tackle the issue (I blogged once, though unfairly, to make a point, that Curiosity Rover was looking for any sign of life on Mars, while on Main Street, all kinds of life are evident, but no one cares to lend a hand.)

The payload (admin overhead) for any program perpetuates itself. In short, we trample upon our own device, good intention or not.

So America sees its sons (and daughters) walk the street at dawn to dusk, with no specific purpose.

(ironically, the unemployment office is named “One Stop“) With 10 per cent of payroll revenue loss, America is bleeding by interest payment.  Next generation of homeless kids end up with scars and shame, fast food instead of fast track to college.

Think strategic. Think long-term. Think with a heart. America, ask not. We can do better!

Machine and Man

The Curiosity Rover landed intact. Mission Control jumped up and down. Machine and Man. One giant step. Let’s hug, even the meanest-looking of guys.

From Moon to Mars (better known as a candy bar), machine as modern-day Columbus.

Something in the way she moves.

Knowledge gap will be filled in the days ahead, on-screen and online.

Ask Not.

We are going places after running in place.

Some of us don’t run at all.

Austerity and sedentary.

Maintenance mode and screen-saver mode.

Let’s hope it’s just a temporary condition. What if it’s a new norm?

Industry anticipated deadlock. Companies scaled down orders, translated into non-expansion, translated into hiring freeze, translated into low consumer confidence and purchasing parity, translated into slower growth which feeds stagnation further on the downward spiral.

Stuck in high gear and high prices.  The harder you push, the more RPM, but no progress still.

Just revving noise.

Distraction (London) and attraction (Mars).

Summer breeze  for scorched Earth.

Wild fire and gun fires.

The State of the Union is not that good.

But no one is here to listen.  Even when they try “they do not know why”. Starry starry night.

From Moon to Mars.

Machine jolting Man to jump for joy. What happened in Mars got our full attention. What happened in Maine no longer triggers our curiosity despite its obvious and deteriorating “signs of life”.

Machine and Man.