Chemistry: blessing and curse

Bodies of little ones lined up on the floor (Syria).

Little orphans waiting to be fed and sustained (VietnamAgent Orange victims) decades after the War was over.

Nagasaki and Hiroshima, if we can still recall those localities.

Wrong use of chemistry. Shadow effects.

Masquerading rhetoric.

Just as the Dow finally hit its height.

Who would want to rock the boat.

It only takes good men standing by and doing nothing.

Then before long, little bodies lining the street of America and Europe.

A likely scenario.

Not too far-fetched. Or maybe in N Korea, Iran and once thought, was in Iraq.

This time, we want to get it right. To give it a proper and concerted response.

Chemistry belongs in the lab, to make Oreo cookies and not cooked-up weapon of mass destruction.

Conscience doesn’t just belong to men of past era (WW II).

Conscience belongs to us, in the here and now.

In an era of “flat world”, we are privileged to the information just a tweet away.

But it seems to take longer (certainly long enough for perpetrators to destroy critical evidence) for us to formulate strategic responses.

We choose leaders not just to read from the teleprompter. We choose them to represent our interests and conscience.

The collective will and common goods.

It’s that time for leaders to lead, and for history to judge.

If it can take place over there, unpunished, then it can and will take place over here. Just a matter of time. The same time it takes for a few good men to stand by and do nothing. Churchill is rolling over his grave. So are many great souls of the past.

Below-the-belt offenses don’t deserve civilized response. Through the rhetoric, I see men in fear and not courage.

BTW, courage is calculated against-the-odd kind of response in face of danger, not in the absence of it.