No pure love

I am half way through In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson. The book was set in the time of Hitler as viewed by an American ambassador’s daughter.

She seemed to have a grand time: dating all sorts of men , even of at opposite end of the political spectrum; shifting and evaluating them with a fine-tooth comb. What makes this book interesting is that while Evil was reincarnated in grandest scale , we follow this “naive” and novel socialite in her insulated circle. Will there be Love? Lust? or Liberty?

I can’t wait to find out the rest.

But then, like any work of fiction, we project ourselves onto it.

Will my life end on a high note? or simply fizzle out? Will I be stopped at One-Stop center in America. To learn how write a resume, to wear a tie, to shake hand, and pretend to exude confidence.

When Martha, our central character, met briefly with Hitler, she found him neither charming nor charismatic.

Yet as we now know, he personified Evil numero Uno in modern history.

Pure race vs chosen race. Let the game begin.

I am not sure who is chosen by whom.

I just know that besides those suitable criteria i.e. age, appearance and aptitude, female species negotiate within themselves to find suitors  before the age of 30. In Martha’s case, the married Russian KGB man was picked despite his previous marriage and hers as well.

I must conclude: there is no pure love, just as Hitler and Asia cohorts found out the hard way about pure race.

Sorry to bust the bubble.

Sorry to face this cold hard fact.

Sorry to lower the curtain on Romeo and Juliet.

People compromise standards previously set for themselves when a certain deadline occurs. Then, they hang “Sold” signs.

In a social auction, the deadline dictates who the highest bidder is at closing time.

Once on the hook, we got the salesman’s treat (to yesterday’s prospect): too bad, today you are our customer. Go see Customer Service.

Yet we still hum those tunes, of love and purity, of sacrifice to the highest ideal.

We long for yesterday (selective past) and better tomorrow (dream on).

People hurting people, which triggered a chain of downward spirals.

Those who try hard to Pay Forward, to build up a reserve of good will, often find themselves cheated.

They look foolish, defeated and rejected.

The heart is the last place we can see and understand.

In the Garden of Beasts, we find our Martha in tow within her circle of SS men, Russian men and US men. Will this beauty find pure love in the Garden of Beasts, whose propaganda extolled pure race?

Will we? Or should I give up and look no longer to the blue sky.

P.S. Martha ended up with a wealthy American widower with a liberal bent.

A synthesis between Boris and her Dad’s Privilege club. But then, they end up living in exile, on the run, in an European country she found estranged.  The End.

Wonderful Valentine

“And then she asks me, do I feel alright?”

Wonderful tonight.

We are all conceived out of love.

Love without reservation, or hesitation.

90% perspiration, 10% inspiration.

But we are all here, celebrating Saint Valentine and Goddess of Fertility.

Chocolate and flowers.

Kisses and hugs.

Wonderful tonight.

“I give her the car keys…I feel wonderful tonight”.

Rich and poor, gay or straight, we need the other to be complete.

The world is envious seeing lovers in the park. Public display of affection.

Unlike a scene in “When Harry met Sally“, Director Rob Reiner‘s mom utters a oneliner “I will have what she is having”.

Go out and have a wonderful night.

Remember to take a taxi (or give her your keys).

When I was young, I heard “L’Amour est blue”,

Romeo and Juliet”  love forbidden, Titanic – love interrupted.

Somehow, love, as understood in Western sense, did not arrive until our young people started to explore French romanticism

(Tu Luc Van Doan).

Previously, it was forced and arranged marriage

But love? That’s a upper-class luxury.

Vietnamese lit is plagued with broken-heartedness rather than consummated love.

Whitney Houston, who has just passed away, rode her career on that single theme, as portrayed in “the Body Guard”.

(interracial, consorting).

The stronger the opposition, the harder it is to resist.

I have just finished “the Museum of Innocence”, a true love story set in Istanbul.

The last line, “tell the audience I lived a happy life”.

And what a love story that was.

No love no music.

No music no life.

Only the mundane and mechanical men in motion

In the Bicentennial Man, Robin Williams, our tin man, asks to be terminated, since he couldn’t cry (what do you expect from a machine).

Ever since, I realize God’s gift to mankind is that he could suffer because of love unfulfilled.

The best way to destroy humanity is to take love out of the equation. No love, no sacrifice, no commitment.

Love the one you got. Got the one you love. There isn’t much time as it used to be.

Feel wonderful tonight. It’s Valentine. You got my approval.