Impending Incident

The North-East is once again bracing for a gathering storm.

Climate change and the prolonged cold front.

Satellite tracking has improved weather forecast substantially.

Other things in life seem less certain e.g. financial market and food/fuel prices.

The Queen of England was reported as saying “how come no one saw this coming?” (in the context of this past Recession).

Our 21st-century narrative should have bluntly shown the Elephant in the room.

And that was with all the predictions of Nobel-prize-winning economists.

After averting an avalanche, we now face a cliff.

All impending incidents. Everyone was aware of the Sequester. The budget cuts and the cancelled contracts.

700,000 jobs are to be eliminated, to bring the unemployed population to just about 13 million. Adam Smith got hand (invisible) but not heart.

To survive, one needs to be tough . This is a test of not manhood but nationhood.

There is a piece about Finding Love in Walmart (18 States). What about Walgreens?

Too convenient and high-priced?

Let’s face it. The Elephant has stood there in the room.

Much has been written about it, but it refuses to budge.

Still high unemployment, still high fuel prices.

The best brains simply surrender, while the top 1 percenter simp;y accumulate. That is an impending event (as of this edit, the DOW has just reached its all-time high since 2007, much of it came from institutional investors).

So we join a new spectator’s sports: space traveling (of course you have to be very rich to ride). Aristocracy in the age of Austerity. Our version of the dream has just been upgraded and most impossible to realize. Well, we can always rely on the weather man for better odds. With space stations, weather forecast, once a hard uncertainty, has now become a soft one at that.

P.S. The area did experience end-of-season snow blizzards, just as predicted.