Kindness from your lips

My kid’s elementary school is collecting lip balms to send to our troops overseas.

It struck me that we spend our entire life trying to do good, from small gestures to larger ones, only to see others take it away in an instant.

I saw the beautiful picture of the 9/11 girl whose life ended last Saturday in Tucson.

Said she wanted to attend Penn State (We are). Her grandparents live in Philadelphia,

hence the Penn State motif.

9/11 generation already shows some promises, potentials and now with its poster child.

It also struck me that with every click, every digital image and footprint, we leave behind our legacy. Henry Gates, the professor who had a run-in in Cambridge, MA last year (resulted in and resolved at Beer Summit on White House Lawn) authors a book about how DNA live in us from ancestors on down, never gone through mutation.

What we collect and store become archives for future generations.

It looked as if we lost a few leaders this past weekend, one of whom could have become Class President who delivers Commencement Address at Beaver Stadium.

In the East, there is a saying ” When Bulls and Bears are in combat, mosquitoes get smashed”.

That baseball team will miss its only girl teammate and Penn State its future recruit.

I am going out to buy some lip balms, but feel sad inside for the parents who couldn’t do a simple act of kindness I am about to do. Hug your child and have him/her hear kindness from your lips. The troops will know this too while under heavy fires.

Kindness in the most unlikely place.