The more the merrier

Next week, we welcome Earth’s 7 Billionth baby into our human family.

When I was born, relatives came to the hospital to visit (as commonly observed even today, in Vietnam). B/W photos were taken and sent up North for our extended families to “take notes”. The more the merrier. Nobody cared who Malthus was. If you showed up, one more bowl and a pair of chopsticks were all you need. In fact, the most common greeting was “have you eaten yet”. Memories of those early days came to me, often because of large family gatherings, with meals on the altar, and meals on the table.

We commemorated ancestors’ anniversary more than celebrated newcomers’ birthday.

In fact, I found out that my grandfather used to share lunch with more than a dozen people at a time. Obviously, he didn’t need “Never eat alone” advice.

Fast forward to our digital era with Siri apps and Google unmanned vehicles, we find a world obsessed with pharma instead of farming.

Instead of taking vitamin pills (whose latest studies have shown to be ineffectual), people are taking pain-relieving pills, sleeping pills and birth-control pills.

The Boeing 787 flight between Tokyo and Hong Kong inaugurated the Pacific Century, as much as Lindbergh’s American Century.

Population growth tilts toward BRIC countries. Yet in the US, there is a shortage of skilled workers since the babyboomers are retiring en mass.

BTW, to give credits where they deserve, trusted Sales Representatives are still in demand, despite recent push in productivity and automation.

People still buy from people and have lunch (connecting) with people.

Yet Sales has been and still is considered non-academic, hence it is excluded from the curriculum ( per latest issue of  theEconomist).

Back to 7 Billion of us whose life expectancy will be in the 70’s (hint, larger fonts and slower driving).

Besides strength in numbers, we live in the most open-minded global society ever. Even the cash-rich Kennedys had to face “religion” issue when campaigning back in the 60’s. Now, you can be openly gay, happily married and run for public office. What used to be “alternative” has become “conventional”.

And the new China’s middle class. Boy oh boy! When they shop, they shop till they drop. I happened to witness their Japanese counterparts in the late 80’s half-way to Las Vegas, at an outlet stop. I wonder how much more aggressive Mainland shoppers will act after their wins at the table.

Back in the late 70’s, after the Oil Embargo, many thought we had reached the “limits to growth”.  Somehow, we managed to clean up Alaska and Louisiana, Hiroshima and Fukushima .

The MIT and the MITI, Korean and Vietnamese, all work hard in a race against the Machine. When Malthus predicted that we had reached Earth’s limits, he did not foresee the coming of the Machine. German software engineers help VW propel  pass Toyota, while Samsung pass Sony and Apple in tablet sales. Bring it on, globally.

Long ago, when we commemorated our grandmother’s anniversary, my mom  always planned extra bowls and chopsticks . The more, the merrier; but I can now put away the extra bowl and chopsticks, since proponents of automation argue that machines don’t sleep and eat. Win-win. Will see.

I don’t do nail either!

One down (sausage man), another rises up.

Jimmy Dean that is. (He could have come back with a better retort, ” No I don’t do sausage” backstage, and “No, I don’t do nail” on stage).

Although it’ s America’s Got Talent his routine came across as America Got Burden ” you owe me some back allowance”.

I have had my shares of poor-taste portrayal of Asian in the media (most recently was an Asian married woman in “She is way out of my league”).

Now this. The only counter punch is, if there are better raw stuff out there,  why didn’t you try out? (No, I got to do nail). What are you waiting for?

At least, the gay community has come out, since 1970. One of the last groups to rightfully claim their American rite of passage is Asian-American (see my other blog on The Nguyen).

We got friends who published both in Technology and Business subject.

We got film directors that do us proud.

We got elected officials and television anchors.

Next come-out party should be at a high-level, organized and representative of a group of  smart, strong and sensitive people who care about the world at large.

You see, out of the ash rises the Phoenix. If dioxin cannot destroy the spirit, I don’t think anything else will. Just wait and see. Out of 3+ million Vietnamese overseas, we have seen remittance of around $9 Billion. And this is during the economic downturn. Wait until the water lifts all boats. And Jimmy Dean (Dinh) said he would come back next year to try out again. By then, Mandel’s back allowances will gain more interests. Still, I don’t do nail either. I am not that dexterous. I know from whose hands that 9 Billion dollars were. Nothing is wrong with earning an honest living. But America Got Issues: it is too lazy to steer away from racial stereotyping. More beer summit then.

And please include me. I will wear Hawaiian, if you don’t mind.